As we return to club activities it is essential that everyone knows how we keep safe and help with the NHS Scotland Test & Protect system.

The club's Covid Coordinator is Graeme Carruthers, Secretary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

The Covid Coordinator is responsible for implementation of mitigation risks, keeping up to date with guidance and how it impacts the club and is the main point of contact between the club and Scottish Cycling.

We MUST ensure that an accurate register is taken of all club activities, including Club Runs. This must include a minimum of date of session, name and phone number of participants. It must also include the name of the Ride Leaders who were in contact with the group activity.  The register must be made available to the Covid Coordinator (Graeme C).

If anyone develops symptoms they can direct NHS Scotland Test & Protect to the Covid Coordinator.

If someone develops symptoms, they must self isolate and request a test.

It is not the responsibility of the Covid Coordinator or the club to let members know if someone at the club tests positive for Covid, this will be undertaken by the NHS Test & Protect Team. The club will however pass on contact details of all participants exposed to a positive case if asked to by NHS Scotland Track & Trace.

If you have any questions or concerns please get in touch with Graeme.