The annual club weekender will be to Oban (and back) on June 15-16 2019.  We have booked 40 places at the Oban Youth Hostel, cost is £35 B&B - first come first served, with paid up members getting priority.

If you want to join us then let Gillian Elliott know and pay Ally for the room. If you book a place and then don't attend you will still be liable for the room cost unless you find someone who wants it!

Payment through online banking is preferable, remember to put your name and Oban in the payment reference field. Use the same bank details as when you pay your membership online (if you need the bank details then let Ally (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Graeme C (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) know).

The route is about 120 miles each way, but isn't too lumpy, done at social chatting pace and there are 2 cafe stops each way.

More details on the weekend will be available nearer the time.